Sunday 23 October 2011

Pecs, Hungary

Pecs is (pronounced paich), no wonder people did not understand what city I wanted to go to! I arrived in Pecs later in the evening when it was already dark. I took a taxi & we were lucky to find the place. I had written down the name & street but no house #. What had I been thinking, or rather not thinking.

Mosque of  Gayi Kasim Pasha

University Library

Szechenyi Ter is huge and has some beautiful old buildings, County Hall University Library. The Mosque of Gayi Kasim Pasha being a focal point of this square. There is also a McDonalds located in one of the old buildings.


I walked along Ferencesek, stopping to take a look at ruins of Memi Pashas Baths & St Francis Church.

The next day I walked along & viewed the remains of the old city walls. It was a long trek, one that I was to repeat.

From there I walked to Domter visiting Bishops castle, Bishops palace. Located near these is the beautiful St Peter & Paul Cathedral. As seems to be the case with all cathedrals it was very decorated & ornate inside. Downstairs was the crypt area.

There are many outdoor cafes in the squares. I took advantage of this and had many capuccinos watching the world go by. The days were sunny and warm, cooling off in the evenings.

Pecs was a town with more to offer than I had expected. People were very friendly and helpful, it was a joy to spend time in this town! My next destination was Szeged, Hungary.

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