Friday 12 August 2011


Just as noisy as I remember the town,but so beautiful! Walked up to castle, great view of course! Took the funicular up to very top - 43% grade. I have an issue with heights, couldn't look at first, got a little queasy on the way up, coming back down was better.  Checked out astronomy center at the top, an even better view of the whole city.  Downtown we went to the old University. There was a section called 'students prison'!? What would one have to do to end up in there?  I can't imagine.  Rest of time was typical tourist, snapping photos, sampling ice cream.  Have to stop eating that stuff!!  Walked to the old bridge, pretty sight, a lot of people everywhere. Heidelberg was full of tour groups, mainly from Asia. Busy, busy place!

Heading up to Schloss Heidelberg

Funicular @ 43% grade-yikes!

Fantastic view!

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