Sunday 1 January 2012

Venice, Italy

I loved Venice as soon as I saw it arriving on the train. It is of course, so different than any other cities! Exiting the train station, this is the scene that I saw. The day I got to Venice, the weather was clear &  sunny. I was anxious to get checked in so I could start sightseeing!

I spent many hours on foot touring the city, along with taking far to many photos! No wonder my Ipod touch camera is getting worn out. The next day I purchased a boat pass to tour the canals, plus see the neighbouring islands.





The town was starting to decorate for Christmas.



Stores had their merchandise on display. Look at these ones, so cute!

I headed down towards San Marco Square.


This church at San Marco Square is decorated for Christmas. At night it appears snowflakes are falling down the sides of the steeple, looks so pretty!!  Just happened to capture the moon in background too!


While I was checking out the square I saw one of my favorite men!  George Clooney!!





Famous Riaulto Bridge


On one of the islands, background is San Marco Square  

The Carnival is very popular in Venice and many stores had masks for sale. Here are some photos of a number of these masks, some look a little scary. There are so many choices, I am not sure how one can make a decision!!



I enjoyed my time in Venice, walked many kilometers while there. The weather was sunny, other days cloudy but there was never any rain when I was there.

My next destination is Nice, France and surrounding area of the French Riveria.

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